The Codex Judas Papers by April D. DeConick
The Codex Judas Papers by April D. DeConick

The Codex Judas Papers by April D. DeConick

There are a few fundamental doctrines, but the intricacies of the makeup of the Godhead are not set forth, and so there is a spectrum of belief concerning that. I can’t speak for other traditions, but for Mormonism I can state unequivocally that there is no specific systematic theology of which to speak.

The Codex Judas Papers by April D. DeConick

but it must be a specific, identifiable, existing belief system. It can be anything - Mormonism, the Jehovah’s Witnesses’ doctrine, Oneness Pentecostalism, Biblical/Evangelical Unitarianism, etc. That is, the individual must defend a specific theological alternative to the doctrine of the Trinity. The individual must defend a specific understanding of God, of Jesus Christ, and of the Holy Spirit. Here are two specific rules and why I don’t like them: In addition, I think some of the rules are a little squirrely. It sounds like an interesting debate, but I don’t come close to having enough time to commit to that much debate. He wants to take six weeks to cover a bunch of topics, with 10,000 word limits for each initial post. I found out through Nick Norelli that Rob Bowman has a challenge up to debate the Trinity. This paper will investigate the LXX translations of anthropomorphic passages from Exodus and evaluate the possibility that the Hebrew Vorlage to LXX Exodus already contained a number of the de-anthropomorphic elements traditionally attributed to the exegesis of the translators. The use of the resumptive adverb εκει in the Greek, however, betrays a uniquely Hebrew syntactical construction, and seems to reveal a Hebrew parent text that already contained the de-anthropomorphic element. LXX Exod 24:10, interjecting “the place where God stood” in an effort to avoid intimating that God has a visible form, is a clear example of this theological emendation. It has long been recognized that the Greek translations of the Hebrew Bible often tend away from literal renderings of anthropomorphic passages. How the Digital Version of the BHS Apparatus Assists Text-Critical Research (25 min) Textual Criticism and Legal Hermeneutics: The Problem of Profane Slaughter and the Text of Leviticus 17 (25 min) McClellan, University of OxfordĪnthropomorphisms and the Vorlage to LXX Exodus (25 min) Preparing to Write the Textual History of the Ethiopic Old Testament: Of Digitization, Social Editing and the Sociology of Scholarship (25 min)ĭaniel O. The Latin, Aramaic, and Syriac Translations of Hebrew Scripture vis-à-vis the Masoretic Text (25 min) Strawn, Emory University, PresidingĮmanuel Tov, Hebrew University of Jerusalem Theme: Textual Criticism and Problems of Method and Interpretationīrent A.

The Codex Judas Papers by April D. DeConick

If any of you find yourselves without a thing to do in New Orleans on Sunday morning, may I suggest session 22-149 – Textual Criticism of the Hebrew Bible?

The Codex Judas Papers by April D. DeConick