And then, of course, there is the Civil War battle that raged there during the first days of July 1863 at the price of more than 50,000 casualties. For the other months, however, the place teems with hundreds of thousands of visitors, bustling streets and shops, and more than a handful of unique larger-than-life characters. For about half the year its streets are mainly empty, its businesses quiet, the weather cold and blustery.

Gettysburg is a small, charming city nestled in south central Pennsylvania-but its very name evokes passion and angst, enthusiasm and sadness. Mingus, Sr, award-winning author of Flames beyond Gettysburg). A "witty, entertaining, educational" blend of travel memoir and Civil War history (Scott L.

The summer of 1863: why Gettysburg? - Our journey of discovery begins in Cashtown, PA, the jumping-off point for the Army of Northern Virginia - A first look at the town and the Gettysburg National Military Park - The battle of battles: first day, 1863: stalemate turns into Confederate victory: my first personal encounter with history - Both armies head-to-head: second day, 1863: the biggest and the bloodiest: my second personal encounter with history - The climax of the clash: third day, 1863: Lee's plan and disaster: my final personal encounter with history - After the battle, and the Gettysburg Address - The Gettysburg National Military Park Visitor Center and Museum, and the Eisenhower National Historic Site - Exploring Gettysburg: modern community and educational center - The sesquicentennial of the Battle of Gettysburg and the Gettysburg Address and the reenactor phenomenon - Afterword: the culmination of my journey of discovery.